2 Arrested for Illegally Smuggling Flavoured Tobacco into Maharashtra

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-05-25 21:52:21.
2 Arrested for Illegally Smuggling Flavoured Tobacco into Maharashtra

Nagpur, India- On Wednesday night, Kelvad Police arrested two men for trying to smuggle banned scented and flavoured tobacco into Maharashtra from Madhya Pradesh. The police seized packets and boxes of illegal tobacco products from different companies, worth over Rs 2.25 lakh. They also confiscated a Mahindra Scorpio SUV (MH-13/DH-1893) valued at Rs 10 lakh, which was being used to transport the banned items.

The arrested men are Sumedh Bandu Kharat, 26, who lives at Plot No 5, MHADA Colony in Butibori, and Harshal Ashok Padole, 33, from Juni Mangalwari in Bhandewadi. The police acted on a tip-off and set up a checkpoint at Sawli turning near Chhatrapur on National Highway 47. Police Sub-Inspector Rakesh Sakharkar led the operation. When the Mahindra Scorpio approached the checkpoint, the police stopped and searched the vehicle. They found a large quantity of banned scented and flavoured tobacco inside.

The police have registered a case against Kharat and Padole under several sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Sections 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant), 272 (adulteration of food or drink intended for sale), 273 (sale of noxious food or drink), and 328 (causing hurt using poison). They also charged them under Sections 26(2)(1), 26(2)(v), 27(3)(e), 30(2)(a), and 59 of the Food Safety & Standards Act.

This arrest highlights the ongoing efforts of the police to crack down on the illegal transport and sale of banned tobacco products, ensuring public safety and compliance with the law.

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