PepsiCo is Testing new Oil for Lay's- What will be its Health Effects?

By Nagpur Trends Team Published on 2024-05-10 00:41:08.
PepsiCo is Testing new Oil for Lay's- What will be its Health Effects?

The company that makes Lay's potato chips, PepsiCo India, is trying a new oil blend for the snack. The company is employing a combination of sunflower oil and palmolein in place of palm oil and palmolein.

diverse countries have diverse recipes for meals and drinks, which can be ascribed to a variety of reasons including regional tastes, production capacity, ingredient availability, and market dynamics.

Every product we offer in India has ingredients stated on it, enabling customers to make informed decisions about what they buy," a PepsiCo India representative said in a statement.

"In this context, PepsiCo India initiated trials of a blend of sunflower oil and palmolein oil in certain parts of our portfolio last year, becoming one of the few players in the food industry in India to do so," said the statement.

In the ingredients lists of different products, the oils are frequently referred to as vegetable oils. Olive oil is another type of healthful vegetable oil.

Since palm oil is significantly less expensive than sunflower or soyabean oil, many food manufacturers in India use it in their products, which include salty snacks, cookies, chocolates, breads, and ice cream. The India unit is reportedly striving to lower the amount of salt in its snacks to less than 1.3 mg of sodium per calorie by 2025.